
Your Ultimate Self-Care Assessment (with resources!) | Psychology Today

Barbara Markway Ph.D.

"Self-care is more than bubble baths. It's about how you approach each aspect of your life. Below are different categories of self-care with questions designed to help you reflect on how you're doing in each area. This isn't a tool to make you feel guilty. Approach these questions with gentleness and curiosity.

Self-Care Attitudes

  • Are you able to take time for yourself without feeling guilty?
  • Do you believe you deserve self-care?
  • Do you know the difference between self-care and self-indulgence?
  • Do you realize self-care does not equal weakness?
  • Are you okay with slowing down sometimes?
  • Do you have a go-to list of self-care activities?
  • Do you make leisure time a priority?
  • Have you made self-care a habit?
  • Do you have a basic self-care plan, preferably in writing?


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Interpersonal Self-Care

  • Do you have a small group of people you can call on for support?
  • Do you spend time with people who make you laugh?
  • Do you nurture relationships with people who make you feel good about yourself?
  • Are you able to set appropriate limits in your relationships?
  • Are you able to seek out and accept help from others?
  • Do you talk problems and concerns out with a trusted friend or relative?


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Physical Self-Care

  • Do you exercise enough to work up a sweat several times a week?
  • Do you generally nourish your body with nutritious food?
  • Can you eat food you love without feeling guilty?
  • Do you feel comfortable in your own body?
  • Do you sleep and rest when you’re tired?
  • Do you unwind before bedtime so that you can sleep better?
  • Do you get outside each day?
  • Do you attend to your health care needs, such as getting preventative care and regular checkups?


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Restorative Yoga 

  • Do you regularly stimulate your brain learning new things?
  • Do you have an outlet for creativity?
  • Can you make a mistake without it being a catastrophe?
  • Can you generally manage negative mental habits like worrying?
  • Do you know and practice stress reduction techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation?


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Learn Mindfulness of Breathing

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Emotional Self-Care

  • Can you identify and acknowledge your feelings?
  • Do you affirm your right to experience all of your feelings?
  • Do you know how to express your feelings appropriately?
  • Are you aware of how you “numb out” from uncomfortable feelings?
  • Do you have a plan in place for when you feel overwhelmed with feelings?
  • Do you practice self-compassion?


How to Talk to Yourself

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Spiritual Self-Care

  • Do you pray, meditate, or practice whatever feeds you spiritually?
  • Do you have any serene place of your own to go when you're stressed?
  • Do you make time for reflection and contemplation?
  • Do you pay attention to every day beauty?
  • Do you have a gratitude practice?
  • Do you read inspirational materials?
  • Do you have a spiritual community?
  • Do you have a sense of meaning and purpose?


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