
Self-Care Starter Kit℠ - University at Buffalo…
10 Jan 2023: Self-Care Starter Kit. Info for. Preserving personal longevity and happiness, relationships and your career. ... Self-Care Program Team Leader and Associate Professor. Education and Admissions. Find People.
Mindful Self-Care Scale Assessment - Mindful…
25 Jan 2021: The scale addresses ten domains of self-care: nutrition/hydration, exercise, soothing strategies, self-awareness/mindfulness, rest, relationships, physical and medical practices, environmental factors, self-compassion, and spiritual practices.

For more information on retraumatization and secondary/vicarious traumatization, please consult the articles under those headings listed in our Self-Care Bibliography and on our UBLearns “Self-Care for Social Workers” website (you will need to log into UBLearns to access it).
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory is a widely used measure of cumulative life stressors over the preceding year. Higher scores on this measure indicate that you are at increased risk of psychological stress and physical illness.
To assess more recent stressors and stress we have included three other measures:
Where is Your Time Going? can give you a good idea of how you are spending your available time and why there never feels like there is enough of it.
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms lists a range of physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that can help you identify when you are becoming stressed.
Are You Stressed? assesses the extent to which you endorse the types of experiences and complaints that stressed people report.
Additionally, the Lifestyle Behaviors checklist can give you an idea of the negative and positive ways in which you typically manage your stress. (If you have worked through the “Developing your Self-Care Plans” section, you may have already completed this measure.)

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