When people say, "my OCD" or "you have OCD," they are actually probably referring to OCPD.
The term OCD used as an adjective seems to mean a great need for order. That is actually what OCPD is about. In order to have true OCD, there is a look of an obsession relieved by a compulsion, but the relief runs out so the behavior has to repeat.
OCD = Intrusive obsessive thought:
"I don't want my family to get cancer"
Compulsive action:
"therefore, I need to turn the lights on and off three times"
Intrusive obsession:
"I don't want to get sick from germs"
Compulsive action:
repeated handwashing
Some authors consider Illness Anxiety (or Health Anxiety) to be a form of OCD.
Jack Nicholson portrayed a character with OCD in "As Good as it Gets."
He played a character with OCPD in "A Few Good Men"
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