
Testimonials from clients:

Hypnosis: "This treatment was very helpful and fulfilling. I am able to use the recording Jane made at home. I truly recommend this form of treatment for anxiety, past trauma, and depression."
 Apr 12, 2017

Always comforting
I always think of Jane when I am having troubles in life because she is so thoughtful and helps with whats triggering them. No judgement just pure kindness. Apr 9, 2017

Kind and Insightful

I always appreciate the time I have with Jane. She is able to help me observe what is triggering issues in my life, and then find perspectives, habits, and self care that will help me love them into behaving. Mar 6, 2017

Have never felt so comfortable, made such progress I absolutely cannot express how much I l
ike working with Jane. I have seen her with my partner for relationship counseling and on my own for personal therapy and hypnosis. She provided my partner and I with important guidance in navigating our communication issues, and was integral to saving our relationship. My personal visits to address lifelong, debilitatin anxiety + panic attacks have been amazing. Jane has SO many tools in her arsenal for treatment, there is something that will work for you Feb 24, 2017

Therapy and Hypnosis
My daughter is 15 and she has been seeing Jane for about 6 months for therapy, and we have recently started using some hypnotherapy. My daughter is so comfortable with Jane. Jane is so helpful for my daughter and I'm glad we made the choice to make an appointment . We chose Jane because of her acceptance and understanding of all types of life styles. We love that she uses crystals and essential oils in her practice. I would recommend Turtle Dove to everyone! Feb 22, 2017

Pleasant experience I have seen Jane Rekas for several problems including boundary
issues and for hypnosis to lose weight. Jane is a very caring, knowledgeable counselor. She has helped me every time I have called on her for support. One nice thing I want to mention is she went out of her way to accommodate my schedule. Jane is an asset to our Gorge community Feb 18, 2017

Excellent Care!

Jane is absolutely top notch. She is caring, professional, and dedicated to her clients. Mrs. Rekas is passionate about her work and this is clearly evident in the myriad of healing modalities that she offers. She corrected my insomnia in just one visit. I highly recommend her services; I promise that you will not be disappointed! Dec 22, 2016


Jane has been seeing 3 of my family members, including myself, as individuals and as a group. She has been such a blessing! Jane is the perfect combination of validating your feelings, while telling you how it is. If it came up, I would definitely recommend her to other friends or family! Dec 8, 2016

Personal Growth

Jane has been an asset to my personal growth over the last few years. I always feel refreshed after speaking with her and know that she is present and listening unlike some other therapists that I feel can be sterile and calculating. She is a warm, wonderful, guiding light in my life and has helped me so much. I highly recommend her to anyone considering counseling. Nov 16, 2016

Personal therapy

I think Jane is one of the most caring therapist I have met in my therapy history. I really appreciate her compassion, insight and knowledge on many topics during our sessions. Every time I go I get something out of our therapy, and gain new perspective on how to deal with my emotions and life problems. I also love the fact Jane offers hypnotism as well as other alternative therapies in her practice. Oct 17, 2016


Absolutely loved my experience! Thank you so much... I'm feeling better already. It's hard to imagine that so much can be accomplished in such a short amount of time. Aug 23, 2016

Uniquely Jane

Many counselors over the years without progress or understanding. A lifetime fraught with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, without relief. The numbness of antidepressant medication. Jane is a refreshingly unique therapist. I was an emotional nightmare the day I sat down on her couch. In a few weeks with her guidance and insights, I have begun to heal the wounded places of my heart. Jane is an amazing soul, very present with compassion. Her tool box is full of creative energies Aug 23, 2016

Now I can go forward with confidence!

My experience yesterday creating my personalized color fan with Jane was so worthwhile! After spending many years trying to figure it out on my own, it was a relief to consult with this lovely professional. I felt at ease the whole time and it was fun! I recommend her services to everyone. Aug 20, 2016


TDC has been helpful. I am looking forward to having more success as counseling and hypnosis continues. Jul 8, 2016

Freedom is a Decision.

I've been taking counsel from Jane for a few years now. I was depressed, I carried suicidal thoughts, had so much confusion about why I feel like I have felt so many long years. I was a prisoner to fear and emotional distress. I made a great decision. I decided I wanted to break the binds that come as a veil of lies. Through talk, hypnosis, color therapy and Reiki, Jane has stood by my side supporting my transformation. Due to my decision to seek great counsel I'm now free. Jun 2, 2016

Always Compassionate

Jane is so easy to talk to about anything and everything and is always receptive of what you have to say with good perspective. May 18, 2016


Jane is caring and interested, asking clear questions, offering new perspectives, and ways of pursuing your understanding of self. Always compassionate and focused. Delightful too. May 9, 2016


Jane is always very helpful and caring when talking with you and has so much compassion when helping you with any issues you may have so you can look at things differently. Apr 22, 2016


Always very considerate and helps talk you through things in a different light. Jane herself is shining light! Feb 27, 2016

Heart-centered approach!

Thank you, Jane. Your sincere commitment shines through in everything you do. I feel so supported and lucky to have you on my side! Feb 5, 2016

Very Comforting

Jane is so great at helping calm you with your issues you may have. She helps you look at things in a different light. I would totally recommend her to anyone dealing with anxiety panic or depression issues or what ever it may be. Jan 12, 2016

Jane has an extremely calming effect about her. She is patient, and hears everything you say. She shares a lot of her own experiences, and she has good insight. I would recommend Jane for a troubled heart, or if you're just needing someone to talk to.  Dec 23, 2015

"Hypnosis: "Jane provided excellent care,tailored specifically for my needs. Her ability to draw out what's really important to you is key to your acceptance of her hypnotic suggestions. I heartedly recommend Jane as a therapist." 12/13/15

"What i need...When i need it! I have honestly never felt the amount of ease and comfort when discussing some rather uncomfortable events that have plagued my life for many years.very few people in my life that i chose to confide in have given me the sense of trust that emanates from Jane.I always end up getting the feedback that i need to hear and whether i like it or not it is always what i need to hear. when i walk out of her office i know in my heart no matter how i'm feeling i just made my day a better day!"" 11/28/15

"Trusted Counseling. I have gone to Jane off and on over the last couple of yrs. She has an amazing ability to make you feel calm no matter how wound up you feel. I would highly recommend her to anyone dealing with anxiety or other issues. " 11/18/15

"I first met Jane at her DBT group. I found her to be straightforward and kind. I learned so much in such a short period from her. Soon, I decided to try hypnosis. I am not a trusting person by nature, but Jane made me feel comfortable and safe in the space. I listen to my recordings to this day. Here I am a few years later in need of a more hands-on counselor. Jane came to mind immediately. I highly recommend Jane to anyone seeking compassionate solutions." 11/8/15 

"Jane is remarkable - attentive, caring, knowledgeable, flexible in scheduling. After many other counselors failed to help with particular issues, she has made a difference right away. Highly recommended!" 11/7/15 

Hypnosis "I had not expected so many adjacent areas of my life, such as quality of sleep and ability to focus, to be so dramatically improved. Jane's probing questions result in a custom hypnosis program that has made a wonderful difference in my life."11/5/15

Our "Higher Power" "Around us always is our "Higher Power". It is my belief Jane is extremely intelligent and with her empathetic understanding she is part of that "Higher Power". I give thanks for her many times each day as life moves on. With each breath (when I decide to quit holding it) life becomes easier for me." 9/14/15

"Therapy with insight. I've only begun therapy with Jane but already I enjoy her use of multiple modalities to help explore myself fully. I appreciate using regular therapy tricks along with astrology and hypnosis to delve into the issues I'm working through. I like that she does not use a cookie cutter approach but rather looks at you as a whole to help navigate your process. " 8/12/15

DBT Classes " I have been working with Jane Rekas for three years. I just recently started her DBT class. It is been extremely helpful for me to recognize and identify my emotions. And help to regulate them. I also downloaded a DBT app on my phone which sends my therapist emails of my emotional diary. Jane is always prompt or returning my emails with suggestions in the DBT information that I have received. Highly recommend the DBT classes!!"  8/4/15  http://hoodriverdbt.com

"Superb. I've never had a counselor I feel so comfortable and safe with. If it weren't for Jane idk if I would be where I am today. She's so understanding and wise, providing helpful advise while allowing me to live my own journey and experiences. Thank you so much for you're dedication to my recovery." ❤️ 6/16/15

 "A Little Hope. Jane has given me a safe place to process an extremely difficult event. It has been a comfort to know that I can talk with someone and begin to see hope during this journey." 4/27/15

"A therapist that truly cares it's hard to find! I first met Jane three years ago. I came to Hood River with no money and no insurance for mental health help. Center for living wanted to much money for a evaluation and for their services there's no way that I had that money at that time. It was a miracle that somebody had passed me a card and said try to call her she might be able to help. If it wasn't for her in my life I would not be where I'm at today. She help me to heal! Jane is truly empathetic understanding and an extremely intelligent."  2/19/15

"Communication Queen! My husband and I have been seeing Jane for a couple of months now and communicate better than ever. She is flexible, honest, respectful, trustworthy, confident, warm, interested, and open. My husband and I have found a healthy communication balance due to the help of Jane's guidance. Jane is committed to helping people feel successful in their relationships. Thank you for all your help!" 11/6/14 

"Skillful Family Session: Jane recently facilitated a meeting with my teen daughter and I so skillfully. She helped us to leave the session feeling close and connected while coping with a tough transition and emotionality. I am grateful to have a professinal in my life who is caring, attuned and validating. I have worked with her now for approximately 5 years. I recommend Jane Rekas for individual or family therapy. Thank you !!  10/30/14

"Hope and Strength. I came to Jane feeling hopeless and defeated by my anxieties. I have seen multiple therapists in the past, and Jane was the only one who made me feel completely understood and like I wasn't alone with my struggles. The combination of her hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques allowed me to feel for the first time in a long time that my anxiety was manageable. Jane helped me find the strength to keep fighting my fears. " 9/1/14

"Exceptional Depth of Knowledge. Jane has an amazing depth and breadth of knowledge that helps her to sort through the various systems and formulas to find what works best for her clients! " 5/6/14

"Baby Steps. Great introduction to the colors/season/Type and all resources available to discover Type/Humor. I am still accepting my "type" but getting there slowly. Thanks, Jane! " 1/19/14



"Hypnosis. I found her to be very comfortable and flexible. I enjoyed my first session and look forward to more. " 1/10/14


This 10 year old girl found me by reading about counseling in an American Girl book on Divorce! "You're a lot of fun and I feel I can say anything to you... I've learned so many things from talking to you. You even helped my sister with her temper."  1/8/14

"Materials offerred to clients. I love all the material to chose from. I feel I can get some direction with them, and it has restored my feelings of hope. "  11/6/13

"Phenomenal Session. Immediate ease as the session began. She has an intuitive ability to get what I needed right away! She heard and affirmed what I was dealing with and what others in the situation would be experiencing, thus giving me an ability to empathize with the "other". She had many supportive ideas about where I could go from here as in working with my self at depth. I enthusiastically recommend sessions with Jane at Turtle Dove Counseling!! " 10/12/13

"I enjoyed my therapy session with Jane. She was a very good and compassionate listener, was very supportive and gave instructive feedback. " 9/19/13

"For the first time I began a counseling session without fear, anxiety and worry. I was relaxed and able to talk and discuss anything with ease. I felt the compassion, concern and care freely given me. I have returned and will on a regular basis. This is the most positive experience I have ever had." 5/28/13

"A great place to be. I was suffering loss and sought counseling, I came slightly opinionated with strict "off limits" topics. Jane Rekus provides me with "you lead" counseling that feels safe. The environment is warm and inviting and you can't help but relax and trust her amazing insight." 5/19/13

"Jane is understanding, and immediately seemed to be able to put words to the emotions I had been experiencing, but couldn't describe. Jane has a "toolkit" of different skills that she uses in order to understand her patients. Since I've been meeting with her, my relationship with my husband and children have all greatly improved, as well as my own self-awareness. Jane is great at communicating via email, sending articles and links between appointments. I highly recommended her!" 11/7/12

"Helped me on my darkest day. I met Jane after my company matched me up with her on a day that I needed help. I am so thankful to her for listening to me, immedietly understanding how she could help and what I need, and then working through my problems one by one. I owe her my sanity! " 8/16/12

"Breath of fresh air. My daughter and I have had an excellent experience with Turtle Dove. Working with Jane has already proven to be inspiring, comfortable and eye opening. She connects well and has a wide breadth of knowledge and resources. Scheduling was uncommonly quick and easy too! " 3/5/12

"Jane Rekas is very skilled. I found Ms. Rekas after conducting research to find a local therapist capable of helping my child cope with trauma, anxiety and loss, which are exacerbated by a learning disability. Ms. Rekas has built a valuable and effective therapeutic relationship with my child who has experienced a marked reduction in anxiety and related behaviors. I am also better equipped to meet my child’s needs. I could not be more pleased with Ms. Rekas’ professionalism, or service. " 1/17/12

"Great with children. My 2 children see Jane once a month and she has done a great job of coming up with individualized ways for each of my children to express their problems etc with her. She also doesn't rush to recommend medications and does give you alternativ treatments that most people in the profession don't do. Overall a great place. " 9/26/11

"A caring spirit. Jane is a wise caring soul who is skilled with many tools to assist an individual in their self improvement. Extremely easy and comfortable to be around have no fears about beginning personal work with her. " 5/13/11

"Highly Recommended. Jane at Turtle Dove Counseling is very welcoming, adaptable to her clients. She has a great breadth of knowledge and experience from spiritual to scientific, to practical which makes her effective and a pleasure to work with. She's helped me through some changes and come out the other side a better person. " 3/15/11

"Relationship Progress. Jane is easy to connect with and a great guide to help you communicate with your loved ones. Personal growth and change are much more comfortable in the supported atmosphere she creates." 12/6/10

"Jane is the best. I clearly have a safe space in the Hood. Because of my experience with Jane, I know that this is a small town with a big heart. Not just counseling in the office, Jane does lots of follow up on the Internet. I can't ask for more."  10/20/10

"My wife and I left our initial session with Jane feeling very satisfied with her therapeutic approach. We look forward to gaining new tools that will aid in our listening skills and subsequent increased communication. " 9/13/10


"I love Turtle Dove Counseling! From the moment I walked into the room it just felt right. The atmosphere and décor made me feel at peace within my self. Jane is the best at what she does; listens, gives feedback, help work out solutions that to one person could mean the world and then she helps you put it all into perspective. As far as the gorge goes; I believe Turtle Dove Counseling is the best place for some one who really wants, needs, or wants to know if they need help. " 9/14/10

"Mystical, Magical: Hood River is the perfect place to live and Jane is the perfect guide to the places within me. Almost every day there is an email with information, videos to watch and information to expand the experience. Yay, Jane! Yay, me! " 9/24/10

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT active listening addiction adhd Adult ADHD affirmations Al Turtle alternative therapies anxiety Apps aromatherapy atomic habits attachment styles Bipolar borderline personality disorder boundaries Brain Byron Katie challenging child Child Centered Special Time chores Co-Narcissism codependency codependency links cognitive behavioral therapy Cognitive Treatment for ADHD Collaborative Problem Solving communication compassion complementary alternative medicine compulsive eating coparenting core belifs Couples Counseling DBT depression Division of Labor divorce Dr. Amen Dr. Hauschka Eating Disorders ebook EFT EMDR Emotion Code Emotional Freedom Techniques Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence for Couples Energy Energy Psychology Energy Psychotherapy essential oils explosive child Exposure Therapy and OCD Exposure Therapy and Phobias Feingold Diet filters flashbacks flower essences food and mood forgiveness four agreements (book) four humors free ebook Grief growing up again Gut and Psychology Syndrome Happiness happiness links healing sexuality health anxiety Heidi Priebe How does our brain work IFS Imago insomnia Law of Attraction Life Coaching life traps lizard brain Louise Hay love addiction love languages mbti Medical Detox Medical Rule Outs Medications for Children and Teens meditation mindfulness mood hygiene Naricissism neurotransmitters Nightmares NLP Non-Violent Communication nutrition OCD OCPD overcoming shame Panic Disorder parenting Parenting Approaches Parenting Tips perfectionism Personal Craziness Index personality Personality Typology Links pia mellody PMS polyvagal prevalence of mental health disorders Procrastination Psychoactive/Psychotropic drugs PTSD Reinventing Your Life Relaxation Safety and the Lizard schemas self-care self-esteem shame sleep hygiene strengths strengthsfinder Stress Stress Reduction stress therapist supplements The Neuroscience of Emotions The Work thinking errors time management Transpersonal Unritalin Solution vagal tone