Smartphone App for OCD

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"New Options for OCD Sufferers & Therapists
Live OCD Free is a new, revolutionary mobile therapy application which brings Exposure and Response Prevention into your own hands or the hands of your patients in a new and highly effective way. Currently, the app is available for iPhones, iPod Touch and iTablets and will next be launched into the Android market. The Live OCD Free app makes homework easier, holds patients accountable, and enables therapists to track and analyze their patient’s progress. The app can be purchased at the iTunes store for a one-time investment and more can be learned on the website.

Live OCD Free is ideally suited to help both individuals (adults and children) and professionals alike be more efficient and achieve faster results. Live OCD Free helps individuals and therapists to be more efficient by assisting the OCD sufferer in designing a uniquely personalized Exposure and Response Prevention treatment program. If the OCD sufferer is working with a therapist, all the data stored in the app can be easily emailed to the therapist thus enabling an even more fine-tuned treatment plan.

Live OCD Free helps children and adults gradually face their fears by creating a series of exercises or challenges to practice on their iPhones, iPod Touch and iTablets. These exercises empower users to resist the urge to give in to compulsions, tackle excessive or intrusive thoughts in a manageable way, and reduce anxiety in just a short period of time."

The Live OCD Free app features:

  • An individualized ERP program
  • Assistance working through exercises
  • Reminders to practice
  • Goals and rewards
  • Prerecorded and customizable motivational messages
  • Relaxation and mediation techniques
  • A comprehensive user’s guide
  • Tutorial videos
  • Progress reports to share with therapists
For Children, there is the Live OCD Free Worry Wizard. It is a fun and empowering game with the goal of achieving victory over the “Worry Wizard.” It contains OCD specific music, graphics, and inspirational quotes from other children with OCD.
Live OCD Free is now available in the iTunes store for download on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad and has been developed by Dr. Kristen Mulcahy, Director of the Cognitive Behavioral Institute in Falmouth, Mass.

YouTube Preview Tutorials are also available:

*Promotional Code for Therapists: Interested in reviewing or previewing Live OCD Free? A limited number of applications are available for free download.

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