Smartphone Mindfulness Apps

Top Mindfulness Apps
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Top Mindfulness Apps

1. Centered

The Centered app includes everything you need to develop mindfulness skills, including daily reminders, meditation timers and audio guides of various lengths. You can also sync Centred to Apple Health to help you keep track of your mind, body, and soul in once place.  The Centered app offers a unique program for stress management by encouraging you to add mindful meditation sessions and activity to their daily routine.

Track progress towards how 'centered' you are as you get closer to meeting your goals. Also, see how adding meditation sessions and adding more steps to your day affects your mood. Over time, as you meet your goals, your activity and mindfulness circles will come together into one, representing your centered being.
Get it for free for iOS. (iPhone)

2. Zenify

Zenify is a highly useful and varied app that helps you develop mindfulness to cope with stress, be decisive, improve communication skills, be more compassionate and aware of others, and create a more positive inner balance. The app sends you simple assignments to help you practice various skills and incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine.
Get it for free for iOS and Android.

3. Headspace

Headspace is a mindfulness and meditation app with loads of customisation options to make the best out of learneing to use you head to the best of your ability. You can use the app's Take10 program for free daily meditations, or upgrade to use advanced packages.
Get it free for iOS and Android.

4. Lotus Bud Mindfulness Bell

This simple app sends you reminders throughout the day to pause for mindfulness. A few weeks of using it and you'll find yourself building a habit.
Get it free for iOS.

5. Mindfully Me

Fox Searchlight
Mindfully Me will train you to make mindfulness second nature through its meditation reminders, daily guided sessions, and a personal meditation timer.
Get it free for iOS.

6. Mindfulness by Digipill

Digipill provides simple and effective guided mediations to help you out in a variety of areas. Use their dedicated mindfulness app to start developing your sense of calm and awareness.
Get it for £1.49 for iOS.

7. Stop, Breathe & Think

The well-designed app helps you check in with your state of mind and ease into a meditation routine. The app focuses on developing a strong sense of kindness and compassion by training you to approach yourself and others with a sense of calm.
Get it for free for iOSAndroid, and Web.

8. Meditation Timer Free

Shedule and time meditations with this easy-to-use app. You can also choose custom calming sounds and backgrounds to maximize your experience.
Get it for free for iOS, or a try the similar Meditate Free Timer for Android.
9. Calm
Get guided meditations that last from just two minutes to a half an hour on this clever app for mindfulness and deep sleep. The app offers a free, seven day program to jumpstart your sense of calm in everyday situations.
Get it free for iOS and Android.

10. Guroo

20th Century Fox
Guroo is a mindfulness reminder and guide that sends random daily reminders to catch you off guard and help you develop a sense of mindfulness throughout the day.
Get it for free for iOS.

11. The Now

This splendid app reminds you via push notification to live in the present. You'll receive random reminders to engage with your environment, practice mindfulness, and prompts to ramp up your compassion and consideration.
Get it free for iOS.

12. Little Memory

Little Memory reminds you daily to take a moment to remember where you've been and reflect on where you are. The app prompts you to find the good in each day and write a few sentences or share a picture to your private account to commemorate what makes every day special and unique. Practising a daily dose of positivity will help change your outlook throughout the day, and will give you unique snapshots of your history.
Get it for free for iOS.

13. The Mindfulness Diet

If you want to develop more mindful eating patterns, the Mindfulness Diet app will help you learn to be more aware of what your body wants and needs, and to plan and create meals with complex texture and taste to satisfy your sense and help you pause to appreciate your food at a slower pace.
Get it for £1.49 for iOS.

14. Emojiary

Warner Bros.
This no-hassle app helps you tap into your feelings using emojis. The app will check up on you via message and ask you to respond in emojis and reflect on your response and how it makes you feel. It's quick, creative, and fun!
Get it free for iOS.

15. Nature Melodies

Centre yourself with this classic app, offering a variety of relaxing and clarifying nature apps. Just plug in a reset your mind.
Get it free for iOS or try the similar Nature Sounds for Android.

16. 7 Second Meditation

You can customise this super simple app to offer you encouragement and a moment to think during your hardest time of day. The little break for mindfulness takes less than a minute, but helps train your brain to slow down and think positive.
Free for iOS.

17. Smiling Mind

Warner Bros.
Smiling Mind was designed specifically for young users, with options for users as young as 7 years, but offers an adult program as well. The app promotes mindfulness and mental wellbeing through meditation exercises.
Get it for free for iOS and Android.

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