Study Skills by Personality Type

We all have different learning styles.  The MBTI personality type indicator is used a lot for career choice selection, but can also be used for communication and now for understanding more about your learning and studying style.

Download the Keirsey version of the personality test.

What the MBTI Says About Your Learning Style and Study Skills
Lists a description of study skill strengths by each of the 16 personality types.

Study Skills Strategies
"Knowing how to study is like knowing how to fish. It's a set of learning skills that lasts a lifetime and brings many rewards. Just as there are ways to know that you are a competent fisherman, there are also ways to develop study skills competency."

Oodles of Study Skills Links

Amby's Education Resources: Learning Styles & Study Skills
Teaching approaches that will appeal to different MBTI profiles. ...
Study Skills: Concise info and suggestions to help you improve your ...


Everybody has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding our learning style helps us to learn more effectively. This is particularly true for LD/AD(H)D people because of their different ways of learning. Through identifying your learning style, you will be able to capitalize on your strengths and improve your self-advocacy skills.

Learning Styles Self-assessment

Multiple Intelligences

What Are Your Child's Special Gifts?

Complete eight checklists to discover your child's natural talents.
Learn more about your child's gifts and how you can encourage them.

"What Are Your Child's Special Gifts?" is based on Howard Gardner's groundbreaking theory of multiple intelligences.

Headed for College?

"The fast-paced schedule and heavy workload they face during the first semester of college leaves many freshmen struggling to keep up. Often, study techniques that served students well in high school don't measure up in their new environment. The answer: finding out how to study and learn strategically. Geared to instructors, College Study Skills provides both the guidance and the hands-on exercises needed to help students improve their ability to learn in the university setting. Chapters on adjusting to college, setting goals, improving memory and concentration, and managing time complement those dealing with more concrete skills such as reading, note-taking, highlighting, preparing for exams, and taking essay tests. In addition to clearly explaining different learning strategies, each chapter also includes useful examples as well as practice activities and self-evaluation techniques."

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