Little Sugar Addicts

Do you have a smart, creative, loving child who is also cranky, inattentive, and sometimes downright obnoxious? Does your child have a taste for soda, sugary breakfast cereal, and treats like candy and cookies?

Your child may be a sugar addict. It is not your fault, IT IS BIOCHEMICAL.

Little Sugar Addicts will show you the way out. You will recover both your own joy in parenting and your child's happiness. You will learn skills to transform your family in a kind and practical way. The mood swings and meltdowns will disappear. Self esteem will skyrocket and your entire family will start having fun.
No strange foods, no deprivation, but practical, caring support and guidance. You can have your dream child back again.

Get the book. You can look inside the book and get a sense of what is there for you. See if your child is sugar sensitive with this questionnaire. Learn a little about the sugar sensitive brain. Check out the Questions and Answers.

Read the steps for children. Get to know what other parents are saying. Come join our online list for parents.

Have your children come visit the children's forum and talk with one another. The forum is moderated at all times, so you can feel totally safe sending your kids to meet others.

If you want to learn more about Sugar Sensitivity, come to Radiant Recovery®.

Is Your Child Sugar Sensitive?

Let's look first at your child's behavior

q Does your child ask for sweet foods all the time?
q Does your child have unexpected meltdowns that turn into tantrums or tears?
q Is your child impulsive?
q Does your child have a very short fuse?
q Is your child wildly dramatic and goofy?
q Is your child restless and in motion all the time?
q Is your child known as a motor mouth?
q Does your child have a hard time paying attention?
q Does your child lock into a task for a long time and forget to do anything else?

And check your child's health:

q Does your child have lots of allergies?
q Does your child still wet the bed?
q Does your child have persistent ear infections?
q Is your child overweight?
q Does your child come home from school exhausted?
q Has your child been diagnosed with diabetes?
q Has your child been diagnosed with ADD or ODD?

And finally, and perhaps most important are the emotional clues:

q Does your child cry at the drop of a hat?
q Does your child go from being absolutely charming to pouting and moody?
q Does your child have low self-esteem even though he or she is smart, skilled, and capable?
q Does your child feel alone, isolated, not a part of the in-crowd at school or in the playground?

If you checked three or more boxes, you are in the right place. Your child will benefit from a change in diet. If you checked many boxes, do not be alarmed. The more boxes you checked, the more dramatic the results you are going to get by changing what and when your child eats. You may have simply assumed that you have a moody child, or a little goofball who bounces around with motor mouth turned on. You may have just figured these things were a part of your childπs personality or personal style and never considered that there was a biochemical basis and that they are connected. The truth is, all of these symptoms can be rooted in your child's biochemistry. The degree to which your child displays them is very connected to what and when she eats. You may be stunned at the positive changes in your child's behavior as you change the food.
From Little Sugar Addicts, ©Kathleen DesMaisons 2004

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