Flower Essences for Addiction


Flower Essences for resolving addiction to pain medication

Rescue Remedy to use, 5 drops under her tongue, 3 times daily.

Gorse – for hopelessness

Walnut – to find constancy and protection from outside forces; to move on and break links and old patterns with people and things

Star of Bethlehem – for “peace and comfort”

Sweet Chestnut – for anguish; for feelings of being stretched beyond endurance

Pine – for feelings of blame or self-reproach; for appropriate response and responsibility

Honeysuckle – for nostalgia, a sense of regret or loss; to integrate past experiences

Mustard – for gloom or deep depression; for faith and hope to keep on going

Gorse Walnut Star of Bethlehem Sweet Chestnut Pine Honeysuckle Mustard

Oak – for pushing on past the limits of endurance; to face the unknown in other directions; to share responsibility

Cherry Plum – for fear of losing control

White Chestnut – for over-active and exhausting mental chatter; for sleeplessness due to worry

Red Chestnut – for fear and anxiety for others; to realize the anxiety is a projection of personal fear

Willow – for bitterness and difficulty accepting injustices; for “mature and natural balance”

Olive – for extreme fatigue of mind, body, or spirit; for “renewal and regeneration”

Chestnut Bud – to be able to learn the lessons of past experience

Oak Cherry Plum White Chestnut Red Chestnut Willow Olive Chestnut Bud

Centaury – for excessive desire to please

Clematis – for “being awake and in the present;” brings clarity and focus

Gentian – for despondency and depression due to circumstances

Scleranthus – for those who are unable to decide, and suffer from hesitation, procrastination, and uncertainness

Centaury Clematis Gentian Scleranthus

I prescribe a standard solution of 5 drops of each essence in a 1 ounce bottle filled with spring water. (I generally do not use brandy with drug and alcohol abuse clients.) Dosage of 4 drops under the tongue, 1 – 3 times daily. I suggested using additional doses for high stress days.

Flower Essences for stopping Methamphetamine and Ritalin use

Agrimony – for hiding problems and inner self behind a cheerful face; inner anguish masked by alcohol or drugs

Aspen – apprehension and fear of things unknown

Beech – being overly critical and intolerant

Centaury – for excessive desire to please; to strengthen appreciation for self

Chestnut Bud – for those slow to learn from experience; to learn from life’s lessons.

Agrimony Aspen Beech Centaury Chestnut Bud

Holly – for those who are attacked by feelings of hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion, and revenge; to foster “unconditional expression of affection and love”

Pine – for feelings of blame or self-reproach

Star of Bethlehem – to ameliorate the effects of shock: the shock of bad news, of loss, of an accident; for “peace and comfort”

Vervain – for fixed ideas and principles which are believed to be right

Vine – for domineering behavior that disables other people, gaining authority at the expense of others

White Chestnut – for when the mind is full of unwanted thoughts and ideas, or persistent and worrying mental arguments

Holly Pine Star of
Bethlehem Vervain Vine White Chestnut

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