Child & Family Counseling

Jane Rekas, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I have 20 years experience with at risk children and families, including children birth to five (having previously been the Mental Health Specialist for Head Start), adolescents, and teaching parenting education.  While I have extensive experience providing play therapy, my preferred method of treatment is to support the development of an enhanced therapeutic relationship between parent and child.

My flyer on Child & Family Counseling services. 

I have experience treating:
Separation Anxiety
PTSD in children and teens
Behavior Disorders
Autism Spectrum

Child & Family Team Members:  these are other professionals who may be able to provide collateral services for your child.
  • What is the difference in purpose and services provided by Psychologists vs. Psychiatrists?

  • Or you might prefer working with a pediatric Naturopath, such as Dr. Karen Freeland, N.D.

  • What if my child needs support from an Occupational Therapist? Kidsense (they take OHP!)

    • Sensory Processing Disorders

    • Orthopedic Impairments

    • Neurological Disorders

    • Developmental Delays

    • Autism Spectrum Disorders

    • Feeding Delays

    • Learning Differences

    • Social and Emotional Dysfunction

    • Communication Disorders

From Good Therapy:

"Counseling is a mental health discipline which has helped to dissolve the stress and turmoil of immediate concerns and develop useful tools for long-term management of a wide variety of issues, but just as there are many reasons for seeking counseling, there are also many different types of counseling available to those in need.

One of the most crucial forms of counseling is intended for children and adolescents, and can have a significantly positive impact on childhood and the process of becoming an adult.

Professional child counseling and the delivery of expert child therapy has enjoyed a long if somewhat chaotic history, as human understanding of the mind and the conscious self has changed and evolved over time. From facing periods of stigmatization to incorporating potentially harmful treatments or ideas about why some children benefit from counseling and therapy, the practice has emerged in its modern form to provide valuable and practical services for improving quality of life and experience at home, in school, and in social situations. Whether counselors and therapists are encountered in a traditional community setting or in a private practice capacity, the growth of the field in recent years is bound to help bring relief to children and their loved ones.

With a keen understanding of physical, mental, and behavioral development, child counselors and therapists are able to gain insight on issues that children and adolescents experience, whether it's difficulty staying attentive and engaged with schoolwork or experiencing thoughts and feelings of depression or another mental health concern. Licensed and certified child counselors and therapists are skilled not only in the specific disciplines they practice, but in the application of these disciplines to the particular needs and exceptional aspects of a child, enabling them to relate to youths and act as meaningful partners in recovery and personal development.

Finding a child counselor or therapist is typically best pursued by seeking someone personally recommended and affordable or by finding a freely available list of reviews. The impressions and experiences of others can often lend valuable information about what to expect from a given professional, and researchers will quickly find that not all child counseling services are equal. To locate the best local child therapists, asking how to find a child counselor in my area and inquiring about treatment options with a medical doctor or community organizer can result in a positive outcome in many instances. As long as considerations of top quality and good working philosophy are considered along with the question of how to find a child counselor, parents and caretakers are sure to match their children with a knowledgeable specialist who can lend their expertise and caring perspective to even the most difficult or stressful of childhood concerns."

1 Comentarios

  1. Blessings to you Jane for doing great work. Children our our future and counselors such as yourself are such a necessity on our country. Excellent work and best wishes for a heart felt journey ahead.



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