Dear Jane...

"I had a question for you, about food addiction. I know I have a problem with food. I'm actually seeing someone now, a therapist through school. And it's going ok so far. I feel like the first few sessions were "dump sessions" where she's just asked a lot of questions, hoping to make connections with my food issues.I know you've mentioned Food Addict's anon and OA, etc. It seems you are pretty open about that kind of thing. The biggest fear I have is that because we have to face food every day, is it something that's harder to control? Is control even the right word? I'd really love some suggestions on books right now. I've started a "diet" (I hate using that word,) but I need to lose about 50 lb. I've gained/lost so many times and I want off this roller coaster. I need to fix the underlying problem. I'd just love any insight and ideas you have that can get me researching this more myself on the side.And, anything you can add that I might look for during my sessions. I feel very very lost. She's a wonderful therapist. I felt an instant connection with her and trust. I just want to make sure I'm going into this with my head on straight. Thank you for reading!"

Those are good questions. First off, food recovery can start with books but really takes the support of others who are recovering too, and the operative word being recovering. A lot of people in OA are whining. In CEA-HOW they are really recovering, but it's so strict it's nicknamed "nazi." If you can find a cross breed meeting of OA-HOW, you get the middle ground. Or a regular OA members, but just listen to people who are using a food plan.

Not all therapists understand addiction, let alone food addiction.

As far as facing food every day, the first place to start is to try to abstain just from binge or trigger foods. You could just eliminate one thing and count your days off that. Then just see if you can eat normally without that food (say sugar and it's cousin white flour) after it's out of your system. Some people are successful with that. It is really best to make this decision with a doctor and your sponsor. Sometimes we are actually allergic to a food we crave too.

Some people do better with a more structured plan where you weigh and measure your food. Also, committing your food choices at the beginning of the day to a sponsor sometimes helps a lot. It all depends. Also, CEA-HOW uses the AA literature and just translates when reading it. alcohol=food

The OA literature kind of sucks, except for this book:
Compulsive Overeater: The Basic Text for Compulsive Overeaters by Bill B

More than books, there are helpful pamphlets.
#145 A Plan of Eating: A Tool For Living
#140 Dignity of Choice

Other recommended books:

Losing Your Pounds of Pain by Doreen Virtue

Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition by Kay Sheppard

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