Self-Help Books available through :
Personal Growth Books at Amazon.ComPersonal growth is a journey both intimate and universal. These books are filled with a wealth of knowledge derived from human experience-- from practical strategies for everyday challenges to spiritual insights into life-altering events. Here is the common and uncommon wisdom you'll need for your own quest.
Feeling Good Handbook, by David D. Burns. "Burns has the answers to depression: What David Burns has to say about self-helping your way out of depression really works. It's the holy grail for those who, for what ever reason, won't go to a professional for help. Depression is a disease you have to deal with in unexciting ways. You have to recondition your distorted thinking thru boreing repeated exercises. But all the stimulating conversation in the world with your brilliant therapist won't help you get better. Burns shows you the light. This is a do it yourself guidebook for emotional restructuring. Anyone can do it. It's simple, it just isn't easy." Peter Plantec Former Psychotherapist, now author.
Ten Days to Self-Esteem, by David D. Burns. "Synopsis: Practical exercises to help combat clinical depression from the author of the bestselling Feeling Good. Burns presents a powerful new tool for achieving and maintaining self-confidence and an optimistic outlook--in 10 days. Charts and worksheets throughout. Comb binding. "
Beyond Shyness : How to Conquer Social Anxieties, by Jonathan Berent, Amy Lemley. "The author, 03/05/97: Shyness can be un-learned: Let this book change your life! I am a "recovering" shy person myself--I'd avoid phone calls and parties, clam up around people, have anxiety attacks, and lose control of my thoughts. Writing this book with Jonathan Berent helped me to change. He shows you that shyness doesn't exist: It's just an overreaction to social situations. Jonathan teaches you how to control your thoughts and feelings through relaxation. Then, he shows you how to build social skills like conversation and dating. And finally, he gives good advice on building a network of friends. No one wants to be shy. And no one has to be. This book can change your life or the life of a shy person you care about. "
Embracing the Fear : Learning to Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks, by Judith Bemis, Amr Barrada. Excerpted from Embracing the Fear by Judith Benis & Amr Barrada (as appears in The WomanSource Catalog & Review). "However, for those of us with an anxiety disorder, telling ourselves that we have to get hold of ourselves or that we have to relax only adds more pressure to our anxiety state. When we find relaxation difficult, we feel we have failed at a task anyone should be able to accomplish. What we need to do, in fact, is to learn how to be anxious. People suffering from anxiety disorders in general, and agoraphobia in particular, appear to use chemicals, especially alcohol, to relieve their symptoms. It may be that agoraphobia, in many cases, follows attempts to relieve anxiety symptoms. One study found that as many as one-third of agoraphobics who are also alcoholics said they began drinking as a way of controlling their anxiety symptoms."
THE COURAGE TO HEAL: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. "The Courage to Heal is an inspiring, comprehensive guide that offers hope and encouragement to every woman who was sexually abused as a child - and those who care about her. Although the effects of child sexual abuse are long-term and severe, healing is possible. The authors weave personal experience with professional knowledge to show the reader how she can come to terms with her past while moving powerfully into the future. They provide clear explanations, practical suggestions, a map of the healing journey, and many moving first-person examples of the recovery process drawn from their interviews with hundreds of survivors. "
Parenting for Dummies , by Sandra Hardin Gookin, Dan Gookin (Editor), Sandy H. Gookin. "Synopsis: This complete handbook on becoming a good parent starts with the basics of proper parenting skills and effective communication. Everything a parent needs to know is contained in this book without the overwhelming technical psychobabble often found in parenting books. Simple, easy-to-follow explanations guide the reader through even the most complicated parenting situations."
What Do You Do With a Child Like This : Inside the Lives of Troubled Children, by L. Tobin.
Taking Charge of ADHD : The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents, by Russell A., Phd Barkley. "Synopsis: Featuring step-by-step methods for managing a child with ADHD in a variety of everyday situations, this authoritative book includes the latest information on available medications, numerous techniques for enhancing a child's school performance, and a special section devoted to the needs of the parents."
The Myth of the A.D.D. Child : 50 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion, by Thomas Armstrong. "Synopsis: As a psychologist and consultant in learning and human development, Armstrong believes that many behaviors that are labeled as part of ADD are in fact a child's active response to complex social, emotional, and educational influences. This book provides practical help to any parent or professional who wants to tackle a child's behavior by addressing its fundamental cause."
Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults, by Lynn Weiss. "Synopsis: The first book to address adult ADD, Dr. Lynn Weiss's bestselling Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults has sold over 125,000 copies since its publication in 1991. This updated volume still contains all the original information--how to tell if you have ADD, ways to master distraction, ADD's impact on the family, and more--plus the newest treatments available."
Every Woman's Body : Everything You Need to Know to Make Informed Choices About Your Health, by Diana Korte. "Synopsis: Designed to help women take charge of their own physical and emotional health, this guide provides a clearly organized resource for understanding and acting on a variety of health concerns. Well-written and highly informative, it gives the facts without the double-talk or judgement found in comparable titles."
Anger at Work : Learning the Art of Anger Management on the Job, by Hendrie, Phd Weisinger. "Synopsis: Keep yourself and your colleagues from "going postal" with this innovative guide for managing work-related anger. Based on 15 years of applied anger management, the book provides a wealth of skills to help readers recognize the physical cues of anger, abate its escalation, communicate in tense situations, and redirect emotions for positive results."
Dealing With Difficult People, by Charles J. Keating.
Do What You Are : Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type, by Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron-Tieger. "Synopsis: Now updated for today's hottest jobs--including telecommunications, biotechnology, and health care professional--this bestselling career guide shows people how to determine their personality type, and then explains which jobs are best suited to each type."
The Dance of Anger, by Harriet Goldhor Ph.D. Lerner. "Women's anger is treated very differently in society than men's anger. We're told to suppress it, reject it, cry it out, stifle it, or use it creatively, but we are not ever to directly express our anger. As a result, most women don't know how to recognize their own anger for what it is, or to look for the source of their anger. Reading this book takes time, as it helps a woman to face her anger, and grow through it. I "lose" at least two copies to friends each year, who read the book, and have to write their thoughts and feelings in the margins. Karen Holmberg-Smith"
Aphrodite's Daughter : Women's Sexual Stories and the Journey of the Soul, by Jalaja Bonheim. "Synopsis: Drawing from a rich diversity of women's voices and relationships--as well as on ancient goddess archetypes--Aphrodite's Daughter reveals and celebrates the spiritually transforming power of women's sexual experience. / The author, Jalaja Bonheim, 06/03/97: Reveals the sacredness within women's sexual stories From the nun who discovers her sexuality at age 50 to the frustrated wife who teaches her husband how to make love to her, this book contains hundreds of stories from women on the spiritual path that reveal the profound impact of sexuality on the spiritual journey. Healing and transformative. "
Climb Your Family Tree : A Genealogy Detective's Kit, by Anne Depue, Doug Keith. "Synopsis: Curious by nature, children will find rewarding gratification in this informative genealogy kit that steers them through finding out about their own family. This handy resource is equipped with a detective's notepad, family tree poster, places to write to for genealogy research, and a keepsake box for mementos."
The American Yoga Association Wellness Book, by Alice Christensen. "Synopsis: The founder of the American Yoga Association presents an indispensable book which takes readers step by step from the most basic 30-minutes-a-day routine through individualized programs and advanced techniques tailored to specific needs. Tips are also offered on weight management, enhancing fertility, relieving insomnia, migraines, back pain, and more. 180 photos. Lay-flat binding."
Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain. "Synopsis: An introduction to the art of using mental energy to transform and greatly improve health, prosperity, relationships and fufillment of desires. Provides easy-to-follow exercises, meditations, affirmations and other techniques to tap into the natural goodness and beauty of all life."
Many Roads, One Journey : Moving Beyond the Twelve Steps, by Charlotte Davis Kasl. "Synopsis: From the author of Women, Sex, and Addiction, a timely and controversial second look at 12-step programs, helping all readers to draw on the steps' underlying wisdom, adapting them to their own experiences, beliefs, and sources of strength. "
Healing the Shame That Binds You, by John E. Bradshaw. "Synopsis: In an emotionally revealing way, Bradshaw shows us how toxic shame is the core problem in our compulsions, co-dependencies, addictions, and the drive to superachieve, resulting in the breakdown in the family system and our inability to go forward with our lives."
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