Healing Sexuality

An important arena often neglected in many people's healing journey is their sexuality. Whether it be sexual abuse from childhood or other sexual trauma in adulthood, or the affects of your sexual addiction or that of your parent or partner, sexuality is s birthright and can be reclaimed.

Here are some resources:

What does a sex therapist do?

Basics of Sex Therapy

Sexual Abuse Recovery:

Healing Sexual Abuse Healing Sexuality DVD

Survivors of Incest Anonymous
12-step, self-help recovery program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous.
Meets in Portland @ The Alano Club, 24th & NW Kearney
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15 PM, in the Board Room

Sexual Addiction Support Groups:

Pure Desire
Group in Hood River, through Christian Missionary Alliance
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in Modular #1 the "Pure Desire" recovery and accountability group meets for men struggling with pornography and inappropriate sexual activity. Join us as we discover what God has to say to us through His Word. If you need more information, please contact Paul Cater (541)399-1142 .

Sex Addicts Anonymous homepage: The official site of Sex Addicts Anonymous describes sexual addiction and how to identify it, and provides details of a 12-step recovery program. Portland: http://www.portlandsaa.org/

COSA: COSA is a recovery program for men and women whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. In COSA, "we find hope whether or not there is a sexually addicted person currently in our lives. With the humble act of reaching out, we begin the process of recovery".
"COSA Courage"Tuesdays 6:30 pm in the Study of the Alano Club, 909 NW 24th Ave

Sexual Healing:

Distance Tantric Energy Healing
"What is it and How does it work? Knowing that we are all energy beings sharing the same field of space and time, allows our intention to be manifest instantly anywhere in the world. In practice, this is accomplished once we align our personal intentions with that of the universe itself. Call it what you want, Divine Love, God, Krishna [or Christ]... we are all a part of the matrix of creation and have access to this infinite power that endows all life. As my intention is for your highest good and greatest healing, I have gained access to new dimensions of seeing and feeling in the higher realms. I work consciously with my spirit/angel guides who are also serving our highest good. It is my intention to help facilitate a greater connection between you and the infinite, loving source within, enabling you to regenerate your own energy and manifest total healing, health, abundance and love through the service of this infinite Source. "

Spiritual Healing:

SOZO prayer for emotional healing. Experience the freedom from bondage with individual extended prayer time. Available @ Vineyard Church in Hood River. Call Dawna 541-478-9361

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