Codependency Links

Inner Child guide Phylameana lila Desy has compiled a library of links about healing the "inner child."

Codependence?Some of the nicest people I know are codependent. They always smile, never refuse to do a favor. They are happy and bubbly all the time. They understand others and have the ability to make people feel good. People like them! So, what is wrong with this?

Can Al-Anon Really Help?Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Here are 20 questions that may help you determine if Al-Anon could benefit you.

Codependence as Delayed Stress SyndromeCodependence is a very vicious and powerful form of Delayed Stress Syndrome, writes Robert Burney.

Codependency QuestionaireA list of 20 questions aimed at determining if you have codependency tendencies, from the Alcoholics for Christ web site.

Co-dependents Anonymous
Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

Codependents AnonymousA text file explaining the 12-step support group for codependency.

Dance of Suffering, Shame, and Self-abuse"Codependence is an incredibly powerful, insidious, and vicious disease, because it is ingrained in our core relationship with ourselves."

Emotional Honesty and ResponsibilityThe recovery process, and the process of finding some balance, is multi-leveled and multi-dimensional, writes Robert Burney.

Empowerment & Victimization"As long as we look outside of Self with a capital S to find out who we are, to define ourselves and give us self-worth, we are setting ourselves up to be victims."

Feeling the Feelings"It is through healing our inner child, by grieving the wounds that we suffered, that we can change our behavior patterns and clear our emotional process."

Gratitude - a Vital ToolWe all have much to be grateful for, to give thanksgiving for, if we just choose to look at the half of the glass that is full.

Grave Emotional and Mental DisordersUnfortunately, the Twelve Steps as practiced in AA are not always enough, writes Robert Burney.

How Co-dependency is Often ExperiencedMy good feelings about who I am stem from being liked by you. My good feelings about who I am stem from receiving approval from you.

I am responsible for..." An excerpt from "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie.

Learning to Love Our Selves"Learning to have internal boundaries is a dynamic process that involves three distinctly different, but intimately interconnected, spheres of work."

Partners & ParadoxUnless you've been through it yourself, it's hard to imagine the emotional tangles that life serves up to someone who is involved with an alcoholic.

Serenity and ExpectationsRobert Burney says, "The most insidious level of expectations for me had to do with my expectations of myself."

Stinking ThinkingThe Joy2MeU web site lists some traits of stinking thinking including black-and-white thinking, magical thinking, and "starring in the soap opera."

Truth vs Emotional TruthFeelings are real -- they are emotional energy that is manifested in our body but they are not necessarily fact.

The Alcohologenic ParentThere are two distinct experiences for adults who are trying to overcome dysfunction and struggling to build strength and health in their lives.

What Love Is NotIf someone loves you, it should feel like they love you, says Robert Burney in the first part of a series on "What Love Is."
Love Addiction - obsessive and pathological relationships.
If the things in the list above sound familiar to you I highly recommend Pia Melody's book Facing Love Addiction.
By Pia Mellody
Setting Functional Boundaries.

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