Christian Support Groups

At Christian Missionary Alliance:

Drug and Alcohol Recovery Group
This 12 step support/recovery group uses the book Power to Choose meets each Thursday @ 7:00pm in Modular #2. If you need more information, contact Kristina Burck 354-1650.

10 Stages of Grief Group
Meets Wednesday evenings 7pm. Grief can result from the loss of a loved one, finances, relationships, health or a job. Recovery comes in stages. For more details about this group which uses the booklet Good Grief, Contact Lud Tolbert 541-308-5339.

Grief Support Group

Meets Wednesday evenings ~ co facilitated between Francine Emmons 541-490-6226 and G. Scott Ritchie 541-806-4223 contact for details. This group is a continuation for those who have gone through the 10 Stages of Grief Group with Lud Tolbert.

Recovery Groups for Men Only

Pure Desire
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in Modular #1 the "Pure Desire" recovery and accountability group meets for men struggling with pornography and inappropriate sexual activity. Join us as we discover what God has to say to us through His Word. If you need more information, please contact Paul Cater 541-399-1142.

Turning a Father's Heart
A program to walk men who have influenced a woman to choose an abortion through the difficult yet rewarding process of restoration. Call Lud Tolbert at 541-308-5339 for details.

Recovery Groups for Women Only

Sisters of Abortion Restored (SOAR)
Meets where Women who are struggling with post abortive issues such as guilt, shame and broken relationships can receive support from women who are restored. Please contact the church office 386-2812 or

Forgiven and Set Free
Are you haunted by memories of your abortion? Do you find yourself struggling to turn off emotions related to your experience? You don't have to suffer in silence! You are not alone. Forgiven and Set Free is here is here to bring you hope! The Columbia Gorge Pregnancy Resource center offers a 12-week Bible study support group designed to aid you in finding freedom from post-abortive issues. Led by a trained staff of restored post-abortive women, FSF is absolutely confidential! Find hope, healing and a new life today! Call us today at (541)386-1050 or email the PRIVATE email box at

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