Currently providing virtual visits with Zoom. Improving your connection with Zoom. See also: Exercises, Tools, Techniques: Jane Rekas, LCSW, CHt 880 82nd Dr., Gladstone, OR 97027 Building A 503-659-5515 Safety Plan Child CAMS suicide form Medical Rule Outs Release to allow Email and Text communication PDF or Google Doc right click + save to edit on your desktop Fax to 503-659-1994 c/o Jane Rekas
Abuse: see also Trauma Acceptance and Commitment therapy:
Amydala Retraining Affirmations:
Anger : Anxiety HEALTH ANXIETYOutside links: Autism Spectrum
Aromatherapy Bipolar: Books! Bibliotherapy:
CBT Cognitive Behavior therapy:
Chakras: Codependency:
Core Beliefs: Couples : Crisis (see above)
DBT Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Depression Eating Disorders: EFT and EMDR (see Trauma below) Physical Exercises for Anxiety Reduction and Relaxation Response 5 Element Meridian Release Technique
Filters/Schema Therapy:
Forgiveness: Grief: Highly Sensitive People:
Internal Family Systems
Life Coaching: Medication: Medical Rule Outs: Meditation
Mentalization Mood Hygience: Neurotransmitters: Nutrition Supplements
This is a great explanation of DIMs and SIMs from the Explain Pain book:
The Protectometer Quiz
Make a plan to reduce danger and increase safety:
Groups: Western offers a foundation group, Explain Pain (Butler & Moseley, 2013), which is an evidence-based process that is informed by neurobiology and behavioral psychology. This group uses the Explain Pain Client Handbook: Protectometer as the basis of the curriculum.
Panic Parenting Perfectionism:
Positive Psychology:
Positive Thinking Present Moment:
Polyvagal Theory Procrastination Posts How to Stop Procrastinating Overcoming Procrastination by identifying Fight or Flight State EFT Scripts for Procrastination PTSD see TraumaRelaxation Response: Religion: workbook denomination selector Self-Esteem
Sensory Integration Sensory Integration Checklist Sleep:
Social Anxiety: Strengths Stress The Work
Time Management: Steven Covey VIDEO
As a serious and committed Stephen Covey enthusiast I have made an xcl and pdf of his Weekly Schedule management table, as featured on page 166/167 and 180/181 of the 7 habits of highly effective people, and uploaded it here. Download it for free ; )
Trauma (EMDR, EFT): EMDR Resources:
In this 13 min. recording, you will be guided to remember of imagine your own comfortable place.
In this 14 min. recording, you will be guided to create an imaginary container for intense emotions. In this 22 min. recording, you will be guided to imagine or remember a protective and nurturing figure.
ADHD ADHD kids Al-Anon Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Anger Anxiety Astrology Autism and Aspergers Bipolar Body Body Types Books for Children and Parents on Sex Abuse Borderline Personality Disorder Buddhist Psychology Byron Katie Cheryl Richardson Chronic Pain Codependence Cognitive Therapy Color and Fashion Compulsive Eating Daily Meditation DBT Depression Dissociative Identity Disorder Divorce Doreen Virtue Dr. Martin Antony Eating Disorders Filters frustration tolerance Grief Gut and Psychology Syndrome Heal Your Body Highly Sensitive People Human Design System Infidelity Law of Attraction Louise Hay Love Addiction Meditation Metaphysical Weight Management Mindfulness Parenting Patrick Carnes Perfectionism and Shame Personality Pia Mellody Private Practice Reiki Relationships Schemas Self-Care Self-Esteem Sensory Integration Sexual Abuse Sexual Addiction Sexual Anorexia Social Emotional Curriculum for Children Stephen Wolinsky Study Skills Suicide The Work Weight